Class Bumping

What is this Bumping thing anyway?

When a class has less than 3 competitors, those entries get combined with
other similar classes using a systematic method called bumping. Entries in
combined classes are ranked by PAX times, using the PAX factors of their native

Rules for bumping

  1. In each class family, follow the chart from left to right starting with any
    class with less than 3 competitors. Stop when a combined class has 3 or more
    competitors. Where multiple (solid line) branches feed into a single class,
    resolve all branches before moving right. (Ignore dotted line branches.)
  2. In the event that step 1 led to orphans, reverse the bump from right to
    left. Where multiple solid line branches converge, either branch from the same
    class family can be followed to form a class. (Ignore dotted line branches.)
  3. If orphans remain after steps 1 & 2, AND the class family has dotted line
    branches to another family, then repeat step 1 using the dotten line branches.
    Do not perform reverse bumping across dotted lines. Home any orphans.
  4. If orphans remain after step 4, place them in the next higher class family
    in the appropriate class for each car.
    Street and ST orphans move into SP
    SP and CAM/XS/EV orphans move into SM
    Prepared and SM orphans move into Modified
  5. In the event Modified orphans remain after steps 1-4, move down class
    family to XP. If necessary, bump from right to left into the Street Modified
    family. If the Modified orphans do not resolve in the Street Modified family,
    return to XP and bump from right to left within the Prepared branches.

Bumping Method